Top 5 Summer Activities and Tours To Do in Slovakia

Top 5 Summer Activities and Tours to do in Slovakia.

1. Hiking in Tatra Mountains and National Park Slovenský Raj

You can experience the best summer hiking in Slovakia in the northern part of the national park called Vysoké Tatry – the High Tatras.

Top 5 Summer Activities and Tours To Do in Slovakia

Explore more than 400km of walking trails which are fully marked – the marks are painted on stones and trees. Just buy a map and follow your trekking path on your tour.

You can also use a local mountain guide service or take a hiking tour. If you wish to do that find more information on this link.

After a day of walking activity you may need a rest. Take a break at one of the mountain huts – horské chaty or in hotels. They offer accommodation and food services provided by sherpas, local men from Slovakia who carry all the food, drinks and supplies up to the huts on their backs.

The national park called Slovenský Raj – the Slovak Paradise is another perfect place for hiking and walking summer holidays in Slovakia.

Typical trekking paths lead through the canyons and gorges which are accessible thanks to metal ladders. The mountain is not very high but it is great for taking summer walks. The following locations are the top two hikes and tours we recommend: Suchá Belá and Prielom Hornádu.

2. Bearwatching in Western Tatra Mountain

Bearwatching in Slovakia has become one of the most popular wildlife tours. There are more than 150 brown bears living in the Western Tatra Mountains.

Brown bear is the biggest predator and mammal in Slovakia.
Just for your information, you can book this bear tour in Slovakia between June – October and we will go with you.

Our brown bears in Slovakia are strictly protected and that is the reason why their population grew up to 150 and more. As we do not use hides on our tours, the best chance to see them active in their territory is in spring and autumn.

There is also a chance of spotting them in mid summer, however the chances are smaller as the summer weather is too hot for them.

Let us give you one more recommendation for hiking in the Tatra Mountains in Slovakia: if you do not want to meet brown bear face to face, always hike with someone, hang the bearbell on your backpack and talk to your friend so brown bear can hear you coming:) Have fun outdoors:)

3. Wooden Rafts on Dunajec River at Červený Kláštor in Pieniny National Park

Wooden rafts tour on Dunajec river in Červený Kláštor in National Park Pieniny is “a must-see” day trip in Slovakia.

Apart from seeing the natural border between Slovakia and Poland, the tour also offers you the combination of amazing views, fresh air and Goral culture – all at one place. This location is absolutely perfect for flyfishing holidays in Slovakia.

If you would like to walk and hike, visit the peak called Tri Koruny – Three Crowns. Trekking level of this tour is moderate to advanced. It is an uphill walk but the amazing views of the village of Červený Kláštor, river Dunajec and the mountains of National Park Pieniny will be your reward.

4. Dobšinská Ice Cave UNESCO – National Park Slovenský Raj

What to say about Dobšinská Ice Cave UNESCO sight in Slovakia? It is a really unique place, the biggest ice cave under the ground in the Eastern Europe and the most important thing is that you see the ice in the middle of summer as the inner temperature fluctuates between -2

Must See Places In Slovenský Raj Dobsinska ladova jaskyna Slovakia

The ice inside takes the forms of an iced floor, iced waterfalls, ice stalagmites and pillars. The volume of ice is 110 132 m3, the greatest thickness is 26.5 m.

The entrance to the cave was found a long time ago. The cave itself was discovered in 1870. It became accessible in 1871. If you visit the cave these days you will get a guided 30 minutes walk of the length of 520 m.

To visit this cave follow the road 66 from Poprad to Dobšiná. Parking place, refreshment stall and an Infocentre are located down the road.

The ticket office can be found at the entrance to the cave.
Enjoy your tour and if you would like to have a guided tour contact us here.

5. Spis Castle – Spišský Hrad UNESCO

Spišský Hrad UNESCO /Spiš Castle/ in Slovakia is a cultural monument that you should not miss while visiting Slovakia.

Spiš Castle with its area of more than four hectars, and partially in ruins, is one of the largest castle compounds in Central Europe. Spiš Castle was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1993.

Tour to this castle is the most popular with the tourists coming to the northern regions of Slovakia. We also strongly recommend the visit of the town of Levoča before or after the visit of Spiš Castle.

The castle has a unique position with fantastic views. When the weather is good there is a chance of seeing the Tatra Mountains from the castle.
How to get there? Take a highway D1 from Poprad (direction Prešov) and take an exit to Spišské Podhradie